Raytracing Workbench/pt

The Raytracing Workbench is no longer included after version 0.20.
The external Render Workbench should be used instead.
Raytracing workbench icon


A Bancada Raytracing é utilizada para gerar imagens fotorrealísticas de modelos ao processá-las com um renderizador externo.

The Raytracing Workbench is used to generate photorealistic images of your models by processing them with an external renderer.

A bancada Raytracing trabalha com works with templates, os quais são arquivos de projetos que definem uma cena para o seu modelo 3D. Você pode colocar luzes e geometrias, como planos de base, e também contém espaços reservados para a posição da câmera e para as informações do material dos objetos na cena. O projeto pode ser exportado para um arquivo pronto para renderização ou renderizado diretamente no FreeCAD.

Atualmente, dois renderizadores são suportados: povray e luxrender. Para poder renderizar a partir do FreeCAD, pelo menos um desses programas deve ser instalado e configurado em seu sistema. No entanto, se nenhum renderizador estiver instalado, você ainda poderá exportar um arquivo de projeto para ser renderizado em outro momento.

The Raytracing workbench is essentially obsolete. New development is happening in the Render Workbench, which is intended as its replacement. This workbench is fully programmed in Python so it is much easier to extend than the current workbench which is programmed in C++. Nevertheless, the information in this page is generally useful for the new workbench, as both modules work basically in the same way.

Fluxo de trabalho típico

  1. Crie ou abra um projeto do FreeCAD, adicione alguns objetos sólidos ( Part-based ou PartDesign-based); malhas atualmente não são suportadas.
  2. Crie um projeto de Raytracing (povray ou luxrender).
  3. Selecione os objetos que você deseja adicionar ao projeto Raytracing e adicione-os.
  4. Exportar o arquivo do projeto ou renderizá-lo diretamente.

Workflow of the Raytracing Workbench; the workbench prepares a project file from a given template, and then calls an external program to produce the actual rendering of the scene. The external renderer can be used independently of FreeCAD.


Project tools

These are the main tools for exporting your 3D work to external renderers.


These are helper tools to perform specific tasks manually.



Creating a povray file manually

The utility tools described above allow you to export the current 3D view and all of its content to a Povray file. First, you must load or create your CAD data and position the 3D View orientation as you wish. Then choose "Utilities → Export View..." from the raytracing menu.

You will be asked for a location to save the resulting *.pov file. After that you can open it in Povray and render:

As usual in a renderer you can make big and nice pictures:


See the Raytracing API example for information on writing scenes programmatically.




Future possible renderers to implement

Exporting to Kerkythea

Although direct export to the Kerkythea XML-File-Format is not supported yet, you can export your Objects as Mesh-Files (.obj) and then import them in Kerkythea.

Free for personal use, available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.
It has standard repair tools which will repair you model in most cases.
Open Source, available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.
It has standard repair tools which will repair you model in most cases (fill holes, re-orient normals, etc.)
Within WIndows 7 64-bit Kerkythea does not seem to be able to save these settings.
So remember to do that each time you start Kerkythea


These pages refer to the new workbench, programmed in Python, meant to replace the current Raytracing Workbench.

Drawing Workbench/pt
Image Workbench/pt